How To Repair An Induction Hob

Jen Hammond

May 19, 2022

Last updated on May 23, 2022


As is the case with any kitchen appliance, induction hobs are not unbreakable. They, too, have their moments of failure. You may need to know how to repair an induction hob.

If your induction hob fails, it will need to be carefully repaired to ensure its longevity and the safety of those in the household!

Some issues refer to the user and how the hob is being maintained and controlled. Obviously, these failures are generally easy to fix. However, bigger problems do need bigger solutions. 

So, let’s consider some of the common issues induction hob users may face, and how you can go about fixing them.

Are induction hobs likely to break down?

On the whole, leading induction hobs are unlikely to break down completely unless they are misused. Those hob systems produced by household brands such as Beko, Neff, Whirlpool and Hotpoint are all likely to arrive with professional guarantees attached.

In fact, taking a look at the warranty of your desired induction hob is a great way to ensure that you know how long your system is likely to last over time. Warranty periods set by manufacturers will let you know how long the designers and creators believe their induction hobs will persist before they need to be fixed.

Of course, if your induction hob breaks down within the warranty period and it is of no fault of your own, then you may be entitled to a repair or a replacement. Of course, it stands to reason that warranty periods will vary between different makes and models.

Functions likely to become faulty on an induction hob may include heating zones, indicators, lock functions and more. These issues could not only impact on your cooking enjoyment, but also on the safety of you and your family, too. Therefore, make a point to raise any issues you notice as soon as you can with a professional.

How can I tell what is wrong with my induction hob? 

Sadly, it can sometimes be difficult to diagnose what is wrong with your induction hob. Just as a mechanic would not be able to tell what is wrong with your car simply by looking at the exterior, an engineer would have to look under and inside your induction hob to determine what is really wrong with it. 

That being said, there are certain things that you may be able to notice alone and should point out to the professional technician. For example, if you notice that the fan is making an odd noise, not coming on at all, or staying on for too long, or, you may have noticed a warning such as ‘f’ on a Miele, then you will be able to notify your engineer. 

It would obviously be more likely that there is something wrong with the fan, although the problem could be linked to other things, too. The same applies to the glass surface. It could be that the touch panel is not responding to you, or that your surface isn’t heating up properly. If those are issues that you come across, then you can, of course, notify an expert to look closer for you.

However, you may actually have more information to hand than you know. Smaller issues that can be dealt with by yourself can occur, and it is likely that your hob is telling you exactly what is wrong. That is why you should check out the error codes on your induction hob before calling an expert.

What do the error codes stand for on my induction hob? 

That all depends – they can vary from hob to hob! All induction hobs come with error codes. They usually present themselves in the form of symbols on your control panel that either flash or stay on for a few moments before turning off. 

Each error code will refer to a particular issue regarding the use of the hob. Error codes can arise if the hob does not detect a pan on the ring or zone that has been selected. They will also appear if the hob detects something interfering with the magnetic field (i.e. food debris, liquid, etc). 

Finally, they could also appear if the hob is too dirty to use (i.e., if it is covered in grease, food, liquid, etc). 

If you are having trouble turning your hob on, then it could also be that your hob has been locked, and that you simply need to unlock it – just open your control panel and take a look.

Your hob may come with multiple error codes, for which you should consult the manual or contact the manufacturer directly. They will be able to guide you through the best way to deal with your hob’s problems. 

But what about the bigger issues on your hob? Should you deal with them yourself? 

Can I repair my induction hob myself? 

No, you should never attempt to repair your induction hob by yourself. Of course, if the issue refers to certain error codes and simply needs some tactful use of the control panel, then, of course, take steps to troubleshoot the problem as best you can. 

However, if your induction hob needs serious repairs that could involve having to lift it out and take it apart, then you should contact a professional engineer, or an expert employed by your manufacturer. 

Although your hob may be fairly easy to lift and manoeuvre, the issues within will need to be dealt with by someone who has had professional training. What’s more, your induction hob has likely been wired directly into your home’s circuit. You should never try to repair or modify anything that is connected to such a strong amount of power. Not only do you risk hurting yourself and damaging the appliance, but you are also risking the safety and wellbeing of those around you. 

While it may seem easy enough to try and repair your induction hob on your own, it’s never recommended unless you yourself have the requisite training! Make a point to reach out to your manufacturer if you have exhausted all options.

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