This is an amazingly affordable induction hob which gives you just as much style, support and functionality as some of the more expensive or luxurious options on the market. Offering four standard burners and up to 3700W in power, this fantastic value system will look the part in any modern kitchen, especially if you are in the process of upgrading your existing hobs.
Complete with smart pot and pan detection, as well as a child safety lock to help keep little fingers safe, this induction hob system is ideal for family kitchen use, particularly as it is so easy to use. A built-in timer and illuminated controls will certainly help you find your way around induction for the first time. In fact, it’s one of the best induction hob installations available for beginners, full stop. And we know our induction hobs!
Top this off with a key locking function and automated heatup, and you have a system which really does compete well with some of the more expensive models online right now.